Knit-for-Nowt Terms and Conditions
Knit for Nowt aims to help families and individuals across the UK by donating knitted, crocheted or sewn items for use by therapists working to help children with worries.
Items will not be supplied directly to members of the public, but to representatives of organisations and professionals working with vulnerable children.
No article will be traded by KfN, but will be donated free of charge. Recipients are asked for a small charge for the postage and packing only. Recipients will not trade items for personal or commercial gain.
No payment of costs for materials, postage to Knit-for-Nowt, or any other costs involved in the production of items will be paid by KfN.
Once donated, no article can be returned.
KfN cannot undertake to collect items from donors.
Delivery of items may be subject to delay, for reasons of supply and demand, and KfN cannot guarantee to supply specific items, or numbers of items.
KfN reserves the right not to donate any articles deemed to be unsuitable for any reason, at the discretion of KfN, and reserves the right to alter/adapt any donated article if needed. This includes the addition of bruise marks on worry monsters, and/or the stitching on more firmly of any attachments, or taking any further action needed to improve either safety or the appearance of the article.
KfN cannot guarantee to let donors know to which specific recipients their items were, or will be, donated.
Makers of articles for KfN must adhere to all safety rules displayed on this website, and in particular must guarantee that the articles donated contain stuffing which states that it is suitable for toys, with a BS mark on the packaging.
All items sent out by Knit-for-Nowt have been checked as far as reasonably possible for safety, and safety notices are sent with items, however they are not designed as toys, but as therapy aids for professionals. Small parts are attached firmly, however for safety no item should be left with a child under the age of 36 months whilst unattended.
Therapists working with children must confirm that they will not give out these items to children to take away, but that the items will be used as therapeutic or educational aids and their use will be always under adult supervision.
Knit-for-Nowt regrets that items cannot be sent out to recipients until the postage charge has been paid. In fairness to those waiting, if postage hasn't been received promptly, within a few days from the date of the invoice, the articles will be redistributed and a fresh request will need to be made.
For the Knit-for-Nowt Privacy Policy please CLICK HERE